📺 Watch live TV channels from your IPTV provider with our modern, light and easy to use player. Load your lists and start enjoying.⚡ Save your favorite channels, record live streams or send content to Chromecast. Dimplay is designed for you, please give us feedback to keep improving. Features✔️ M3U and W3U playlist support ✔️ Load local or remote playlists ✔️ Load lists by scanning QR codes ✔️ Integrated smart player ✔️ Search ✔️ Compatible with EPG ✔️ Favorites ✔️ Export favorites ✔️ Share lists and recordings ✔️ Live recording ✔️ Backup lists in Google Drive ✔️ Chromecast support ✔️ Background playback ✔️ Play audio only mode ✔️ And much more Features Premium Version✔️ Ad free ImportantDimplay does not include or provide any content what so ever. This means that you should add your playlists to be able to watch live TV. Disclaimer- Dimplay does not supply or include any media or content. - Users must provide their own content. - Dimplay has no affiliation with any third-party provider. - We do not endorse the streaming of copyright-protected material without permission of the copyright holder.